Luftwaffe night fighter control methods.


Part 10.







Motorized Y-Linien.

  In preparation of the  loss of the permanent Y-Stellungen, the Luftwaffe produced a number of motorized units.  These consisted of a truck equipped with FuG 10 and FuG 16 ZY radioes, a Heinrich Peiler and a seperate Hans E-mess Gerät.  The unit could thus take range and bearing to a fighter/formation, establish it's position and transmit this to the unit under control.  Additionally the unit received the Luftlage from the JD/Jafü by radio and plotted this on a map with a scale of 1:300.000.  A JLo was assigned who was responsible for broadcasting the position of the defending unit and that of the attacking formation.  The leader of the fighter formation then had to figure out an intercept vector (please see below).  It is unknown if any of these units were ever employed in combat.  Please see sketches below.  
  The arrangement of the equipment in the truck and the position of the operators.  







